José Zambrano 
Member since Jun 23, 2014


    • paroxysm of pure paltriness
    • paroxysm of pure paltriness

      • Good god, Ted... was that you that screamed a minute ago? I didn't mean to scare you, babe. I'm all better now. Did you hurt yourself? Hey — why is that bath water black? It's not water — it's root beer. When I first slid into it, the effervescent mixture of delight and agony was nearly unbearable.
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    • ear-flick sonata
    • ear-flick sonata

      • Seriously, Karen. Don't you ever get the feeling that there's got to be more to life than the nonstop, hellish cruelty that you and I visit upon each other day after day? No. Outstanding. Seeing as how I just released a mayonnaise jar full of lice, fleas and deer ticks into your bedroom's open window. I just poured linseed oil into your gas tank. By god, I pity the poor souls who don't have a nemesis.
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    • precariously posited punctilio
    • precariously posited punctilio

      • I like bein' out of town, but it's always way harder to fall asleep in a new bed. Especially when you've busted into a total stranger's apartment and ate a whole bag of coffee beans.
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    • nostril napkins for the nosey
    • nostril napkins for the nosey

      • So, Doc... can you help me out or not? No, I can't, Ted, this issue is now outside of my legal sanction to practice medicine. Well, what do you suggest I do, then? I'll say it again: I'm not legally authorized to assist you in any way. But you were the one who wrote me a prescription for a medical mustache only three months ago. True. But now with the state 'stache law repealed, you'll have to go back to some sleazy street dealer for grooming wax.
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    • neotenic netherworld of the namby-pamby
    • neotenic netherworld of the namby-pamby

      • If I could have only one magical wish, it would be to have cat's eyes — so's I could freak everybody out whenever they see me. BLOING!! Not only did I just waste a perfectly good wish... I need to find me a big box of poopin' sand pretty quick.
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